Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Crossroads (Week 14) - 1 Corinthians 6:1-11
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Have you ever had to go to court because of a legal problem with another person? Today, we live in a very litigious culture. It seems like everybody is suing somebody over something. But, what if it is a person in the church? What if some type of legal issues arises between brothers and sisters in Christ? Should it be different?
This week, as we continue in our series through the books of first and second Corinthians, we come to 1 Corinthians chapter 6 where the first part of the chapter deals with a subject that is very common in our day and age, lawsuits. It seems that members of the body of Christ in Corinth were taking each other to court over various issues. Not surprisingly, the Apostle Paul has some very straightforward words for the church in Corinth, and for us in the church today.
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Crossroads (Week 13) - Church Discipline (Part 2) - 1 Corinthians 5:1-13
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Today, we’re picking back up where we were last week in 1 Corinthians chapter 5, where we find a member of the church who has fallen into willful sin. As Pastor Clay showed us in last week’s message, rather than grieve the man’s actions, the church in Corinth seemed proud of themselves for not judging the man. However, when the Apostle Paul found out about it, he had some strong words for the church and a warning about what would happen if they didn't deal with this situation.
Today, Pastor Clay is going to give us two more important observations about the church’s responsibility in dealing with a professing believer’s on-going sin. As we heard last week, and we’ll hear again in this message, church discipline isn’t easy. But, it isn’t complicated either.
Sunday Jan 06, 2019
Crossroads (Week 12) - Church Discipline (Part 1) - 1 Corinthians 5:1-13
Sunday Jan 06, 2019
Sunday Jan 06, 2019
What happens when a person who professes Jesus as their Savior, falls into a willful sin practice? How should the church handle it? Do we pretend we don't know? Do we act like nothing is wrong? Or, does the church have an obligation to deal with the situation? Those are some tough questions. Fortunately, God's word has answers for us.
This week, we're in 1 Corinthians chapter 5 in our "Crossroads" series. The Apostle Paul had received word that a member of the church in Corinth was engaging in a sinful practice and not only was the church not dealing with the man and his sin, they seemed proud of their actions, or lack of action.
As we will hear in today's message from Pastor Clay, the Apostle Paul doesn't sugarcoat it. He confronts the sin and explains to the church why they must confront it as well. We live in a culture that seems to frown on anyone judging anything. But, as we'll see in chapter 5, the church has to judge its own. Now, here's Pastor Clay with today's message.
Sunday Dec 30, 2018
JOY! – Cross Culture Christmas 2018 Message (conclusion) (Luke 2:1-20)
Sunday Dec 30, 2018
Sunday Dec 30, 2018
It’s the last Sunday of 2018 and another year has past. How was your 2018? A trial, a triumph or maybe somewhere in-between? It’s a safe bet that most of us have experienced a little of both this past year, and more than likely we’ll see our share of both in 2019. But whatever we face, we can experience joy through all of it.
Today, Pastor Clay is taking us back to Luke chapter 2 and the Christmas story, to finish looking at some important truths having to do with joy in our lives. Most people live their lives with very little joy. The ordinary grind of life brings people down. The shepherds were living ordinary lives, until one night when something extraordinary happened, and their lives were changed forever.
Sunday Dec 23, 2018
JOY! – Cross Culture Christmas 2018 Message (Part 1) (Luke 2:1-20)
Sunday Dec 23, 2018
Sunday Dec 23, 2018
Joy to the world; that beloved Christmas carol has been a favorite for generations; sung by choirs, street carolers, and individuals. But as we begin to draw the curtain on 2018, the world doesn’t seem like a very joyful place, does it?
Today, we’re taking a break from our current series to take a look at the Christmas story, to see if we can find the reason for joy even with all the turmoil and trouble in the world. Pastor Clay is taking us to Luke chapter 2 and the story of Joseph and Mary making their way to Bethlehem, and the birth of Jesus Christ. What we find there gives reason for hope even in this world, and shows us that joy can be a reality for anyone.
Sunday Dec 16, 2018
Crossroads (Week 11) - 1 Corinthians 4:1-21 (continued)
Sunday Dec 16, 2018
Sunday Dec 16, 2018
If you have children, have you ever noticed your child imitating you; using the same words or expressions, doing the same actions? Knowing that our children can learn to copy us probably makes us aware of our words and actions, right? We may want them to imitate us in some things, and then again, some things maybe not. But, what about our spiritual lives? Do we want our children to imitate our walk with Christ?
This week in our current series, "Crossroads," a study of 1 and 2 Corinthians, we’re going to be finishing up 1 Corinthians chapter 4. Among the things we'll discover is the Apostle Paul inviting his spiritual children to imitate him. The Corinthians were not acting very Christlike. So, Paul challenges them to do better. His words, at times, are going to sound harsh. But, his motivation is his love for the church and his desire to see all of us get it right.
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
Crossroads (Week 10) - 1 Corinthians 4:1-21
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
The church is not just a building. The church is collectively, the individual followers of Jesus Christ who make up the body of Christ. Unfortunately, even Christians can still have issues with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
The church in Corinth was made up of an eclectic mix of people, both Jews and Gentiles, and there was division in the church, because members chose to identify with one leader over another.
This week as we move into chapter 4 of 1 Corinthians, the Apostle Paul confronts the church with its actions, calling out their judgmental attitude and reminds them that everyone has responsibility in the body of Christ.
Sunday Nov 25, 2018
Crossroads (Week 9) – Spiritual Maturity - Part 3 (1 Corinthians 3:1-23)
Sunday Nov 25, 2018
Sunday Nov 25, 2018
Have you ever talked with someone who thought that Christianity was just a bunch of nonsense? Most of us have talked to or heard someone who was vocal in their ridicule of our beliefs as a follower of Jesus Christ and was quick to point out how foolish they believe we are. The question is, who’s really the foolish one?
This week in our “Crossroads” series, -we’re studying the last part of 1 Corinthians chapter 3, where the Apostle Paul urges us to consider God’s wisdom instead of the world’s. The world may think we’re foolish, but God says that placing our lives in His hands is the wisest thing we’ll ever do.
Sunday Nov 18, 2018
Sunday Nov 18, 2018
Student Pastor Cale Little brings this week's message from 1 Chronicles chapter 13 and shows us how we can bring the Spirit of God close to us in our everyday lives.
Sunday Nov 11, 2018
Crossroads (Week 8) – Spiritual Maturity - Part 2 (1 Corinthians 3:1-23)
Sunday Nov 11, 2018
Sunday Nov 11, 2018
Parents know that they sometimes have to discipline their children for bad behavior, but parents also love to reward their children for good behavior. What about our heavenly Father? Does He reward us, His children?
Most of us understand that Jesus Christ died on the cross so that we could be forgiven of our sins and have the promise of heaven. But as we will see today, God also promises rewards to those who choose to do life with Him. What are God’s rewards and how do we receive them? Those are just some of the truths we’re going to explore this week.
Sunday Nov 04, 2018
Crossroads (Week 7) – Spiritual Maturity - Part 1 (1 Corinthians 3:1-23)
Sunday Nov 04, 2018
Sunday Nov 04, 2018
Is there anything in the world cuter than a newborn baby? But, if a child is two years old and is still the same size, the same weight he or she was as a newborn, that’s when you know that something is very wrong.
As we continue in our “Crossroads” series, we come to chapter 3 of the Apostle Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth, where we find the Apostle telling the church that he wanted to teach them the deeper things of God, but he couldn’t. The problem was many in the church were still acting very worldly and carnal. It’s a problem that still exists in the church today. And, as Pastor Clay is going to show us, Paul says that it’s time to grow up.
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Have you ever been around someone that usually gives good advice? Some people have good advice about marriage, some offer good counsel about business or health. But, the Spirit of God wants us to have His wisdom about everything for our lives.
Today, we dive back into 1 Corinthians chapter 2 where the Apostle Paul is emphasizing the necessity of the centrality of the Spirit of God. Two weeks ago Pastor Clay gave us one of the reasons we must make sure the Holy Spirit is central in our lives and this week, we have two more reasons to center our lives on the Spirit of God.
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Times have changed haven’t they? The religious landscape is rapidly changing. How do you reach a community that has no interest in the church, eternal matters, and no interest in knowing Jesus? In His day, How did Jesus do it?
This week, Pastor and Emergency Chaplain Ralph Thompson shares the three steps to reaching our community, from Matthew chapter 9.
Sunday Oct 14, 2018
Sunday Oct 14, 2018
Most of us take power for granted; we walk into a room, flip a switch and we have power for lights, and when we get in our car and turn the key, the engine’s power is at our disposal. But, what about spiritual power? Where do we find that kind of power?
In our “Crossroads” series, we saw how the Apostle Paul emphasized the necessity for unity for followers of Jesus Christ. Today, as we dive into the next chapter of 1 Corinthians, we’re going to find that Paul saw the necessity for something else, or more correctly, someone else. The necessity of the Holy Spirit working in our lives takes center stage in chapter 2.
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Crossroads (Week 4) – Unity In The Church Pt. 2 (1 Corinthians 1:10-31)
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Athletic teams strive for unity and if they find it, they usually find success on the playing field. Families should be a natural place to find unity, but family dynamics can often lead to strife, discord, and strained relationships. Washington D.C. certainly isn’t a place where very much unity can be found. So where is the one place where unity should always be evident, abounding, normal?
THE CHURCH, of course; God makes it clear that His people should live in unity. But how can there be unity with so many different people? Is there a common denominator for the church? That’s the question Pastor Clay is going to answer today as we dive back into 1 Corinthians chapter 1 in our series “Crossroads.”
The church in Corinth was made up of people with different backgrounds, cultures, and preferences, and those differences were causing division in the church. The Apostle Paul makes it clear that discord, differences, and divisiveness have no place in the body of Christ and he reminds the church in Corinth, and the church today, that what binds us together is more important and more powerful than any of our differences.
Sunday Sep 30, 2018
Crossroads (Week 3) – Unity In The Church Pt. 1 (1 Corinthians 1:10-31)
Sunday Sep 30, 2018
Sunday Sep 30, 2018
Have you ever had a disagreement with someone? That’s kind of a silly question, isn’t it? Because, we’ve all had disagreements. We’ve all experienced conflict. Whether a family issue, a problem at work or at school, clashes in personalities and differences in opinion happen. And, when they do feelings can be hurt and relationships can suffer tremendous, sometimes permanent damage. But, what happens when there is a conflict in the church?
We’re now in our third week in our series, “CrossRoads,” and this week we’re going to be getting into the heart of chapter 1 where we discover that there is conflict in the church. As we will see, there were a lot of problems in the church in Corinth and the Apostle Paul knows the damage that conflict can bring to the church, and to the name of Jesus. So, he’s going to deal with conflict in the church and need for unity.
The church today can experience conflict as well. So, hearing what Paul has to say to the Corinthians will have a great deal of application for us.
Sunday Sep 23, 2018
Crossroads (Week 2) - Introduction Pt. 2 (1 Corinthians 1:1-9)
Sunday Sep 23, 2018
Sunday Sep 23, 2018
Do you remember back when people used to write letters and mail them? That seems like a long time ago, doesn’t it? In our fast-paced world today, whether it’s on your phone, iPad, or a computer keyboard, information is shared instantaneously. We have even found ways to use a single letter in the alphabet to mean an entire word and emojis to express feelings, thoughts or sentiments. Communication has certainly changed, but is it better?
Last week in our new series “Crossroads,” Pastor Clay helped us understand some of the background concerning the city of Corinth and Paul’s motivation for writing these letters and we also started into Paul’s opening greeting to the church in verses 1 through 9.
In our communications in this digital world today, the opening greeting may not be as significant as it once was. But, as we’ll hear today, what Paul had to say in his opening greeting in these letters not only had significant meaning for the church in Corinth, but it has significant meaning for the church today.
Sunday Sep 16, 2018
Crossroads (Week 1) – Introduction (1 Corinthians 1:1-9)
Sunday Sep 16, 2018
Sunday Sep 16, 2018
Intersections can also be called crossroads; they are literally places where two roads cross. Life contains plenty of crossroads, not just when you’re driving.
This week, we’re kicking off a series entitled “Crossroads.” Pastor Clay is going to be walking us through the books of the Bible known as 1 & 2 Corinthians. The city of Corinth was at the crossroads of east - west, and north - south trading routes for the known world. It was a city filled with people, prosperity, and sinful practices. In the middle of it all was the church, struggling to figure out how they were to be "in the world, but not of the world.”
The culture that we live in today is not that different from the culture that Corinthian Christians found themselves in. The Apostle Paul addresses a host of subjects that are very relevant for the church today.
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Growing in the Garden (Week 7) – New Earth (Revelation 22:1-6)
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Imagine a garden that received the perfect amount of sunlight, the perfect amount of water and had the perfect growing environment. In a word, it’s perfect. Of course, in this world there’s no such thing as a perfect garden, but what about in eternity?
This week we come to the end of our summer series “Growing in the Garden” and we’re going to Revelation 22 to take a look at the new heaven and new earth. As we’re going to hear it’s an amazing place where followers of Jesus will spend eternity, but even now, we can look into that garden to grow as His followers in this life.
Sunday Aug 26, 2018
Growing in the Garden (Week 6) – Gethsemane (John 18:1-11)
Sunday Aug 26, 2018
Sunday Aug 26, 2018
Growing in the Garden (Week 6) – Gethsemane (John 18:1-11)
The best gardeners are the ones that learn from their gardens; learn the best time to plant, the best kind of fertilizer to use, the best seeds to plant in their garden. If a person is willing, they can learn a lot in the garden.
This week in our summer series, “Growing in the Garden,” we’re back in the Garden of Gethsemane, where there are two very important truths for us to learn in the garden. The Garden of Gethsemane was a place of anguish for our Savior. But, it is also a place where He reveals to us who He really is, and what He really thinks of us.
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Growing in the Garden (Week 5) – Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-54)
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Gardening can be hard work. It takes a lot of time, effort, and energy to see fruit from the garden. It also takes alertness or awareness of what is going on. Deer, rabbits, insects, all of them would like to steal your produce. You have to keep watch in the garden.
This week in our summer series, “Growing in the Garden,” we come to a garden known not for beauty but for agony. The Garden of Gethsemane is where Jesus endured extreme mental, emotional, and spiritual anguish and is where He was arrested and carried off to be crucified. As we’re going to learn this week, Jesus asked some of His disciples to keep watch and pray with Him in the garden, but they didn’t and were caught off guard for what came next.
The Garden of Gethsemane is one we enter reverently, but enter it we must as Pastor Clay shows us from Matthew’s account, some important lessons for us to learn and to apply to our lives today.
Sunday Aug 12, 2018
Growing in the Garden (Week 4) – Naboth’s Vineyard (1 Kings 21)
Sunday Aug 12, 2018
Sunday Aug 12, 2018
What does it mean to be righteous? Most of us would understand it to mean that we live our life in a way that honors God. But how do we live righteously in a world that is unrighteous?
This week, we’re turning to 1 Kings chapter 21, a passage of scripture that reveals a story of greed and covetousness, deception, and even murder. From the story of Naboth’s vineyard, Pastor Clay is going to show us some of the harsh realities of living righteously in a world of unrighteousness, and hopefully help us grow in our understanding of what it takes to live for God in our world today.
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Growing in the Garden (Week 3) – Eden Part 2 (Genesis 3)
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Have you ever gotten one of those emails informing you that you have a large amount of money sitting in an account overseas? You may not know anything about the account, but they promise you that if you will respond with some personal information, the check for millions of dollars will be on its way. Of course, most of us can see something like that for what it is, a scam. But, you’d be surprised at how many people are deceived into believing that they’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.
This week we’re returning to Genesis chapter 3 and the account of Satan’s deception that led to mankind’s fall. Last week, Pastor Clay showed us from the text that we have a cunning adversary who is trying to steal everything that God promises to us. This week, we’re going to discover two more truths from Genesis chapter 3 that can help us grow in our spiritual lives, specifically in the area of temptation and sin.
Sunday Jul 29, 2018
Growing in the Garden (Week 2) – Eden Part 1 (Genesis 3)
Sunday Jul 29, 2018
Sunday Jul 29, 2018
Genesis chapter 3 records the fall of mankind into sin, and the subsequent sin curse. Adam and Eve had everything they needed in the Garden of Eden for a perfect existence. But, there was one lurking there who intended them harm.
As Pastor Clay is going to explain in today’s message, things haven’t changed much since then. You and I have an enemy who intends to bring harm to our lives. Knowing about our enemy is the key to overcoming him.
Friday Jul 27, 2018
Friday Jul 27, 2018
What do we do with a life that has cracks in it? What do we do when life is not all it's cracked up to be? Student Pastor Cale Little opens the Bible to 2 Corinthians 4:8-12 for answers to what it means to live a life renewed and to be renewed to live?