Saturday Jun 09, 2012
Heartbeat, Week 1: Philippians 1 (Part 1)
Saturday Jun 09, 2012
Saturday Jun 09, 2012
Some people would say that their family is the most important thing in their life while others might point to their job or maybe a sport or a hobby as the thing that really gets them going. Whatever it is, it's the heartbeat of their life, but for the follower of Jesus our heartbeat is something different. Today, we're starting a new series entitled, "Heartbeat," and it's based on the Apostle Paul's letter to the Philippians. As you'll hear Pastor Clay say, if you're a follower of Jesus, you already know that our heartbeat should be Christ. Family, jobs and hobbies aren't bad, they're just not enough and as we'll discover in this series, God has so much more in store for us.
Saturday Jun 02, 2012
Life, Love, Legacy - The Story of Ruth, Week 6: Legacy
Saturday Jun 02, 2012
Saturday Jun 02, 2012
Happy endings, everybody loves it when the story turns out good, but getting to the happy ending doesn't mean there aren't some bumps along the way. Today we come to the end of our series entitled, 'Life, Love, Legacy - The Story of Ruth.' Pastor Clay has walked us through three love relationships, Naomi and Ruth, Boaz and Ruth, and God and us. As we conclude this series today we're going to see how the love relationship between Boaz and Ruth moves forward in God's providence and we're not only going to see the rest of the story, we're also going to see the best of the story.
Saturday May 26, 2012
Life, Love, Legacy - The Story of Ruth, Week 5: Love (Part 4)
Saturday May 26, 2012
Saturday May 26, 2012
So far in this series we've learned some valuable truths about life and love, and today we're continuing our look at the love relationship between Ruth and Boaz. Their courtship and the customs of marriage back then sound a little strange to us today, but as Pastor Clay's going to point out in today's message there is a characteristic of love that never changes. We’ve all heard the saying, "All's fair in love and war" but today we’ll see that when it comes to love, God has a different standard.
Saturday May 19, 2012
Life, Love, Legacy - The Story of Ruth, Week 4: Love (Part 3)
Saturday May 19, 2012
Saturday May 19, 2012
Love, few things come as easy to us and yet seem so hard to maintain. With marital relationships failing at an alarming rate it seems that what we need is a better understanding of what love looks like. Today we're taking a look at the love relationship between Ruth and Boaz. Some of the customs of those days may seem a little strange to us, but the characteristics of love that we find in their relationship are just as important for relationships today.
Saturday May 12, 2012
Life, Love, Legacy - The Story of Ruth, Week 3: Love (Part 2)
Saturday May 12, 2012
Saturday May 12, 2012
Today we're continuing our series entitled, Life, Love, Legacy: The Story of Ruth. As we've already seen in this series, love is a central theme in the book of Ruth and today Pastor Clay is taking us to just one verse in the story of Ruth, but it's a verse that beautifully and powerfully demonstrates the love of a mother.
Saturday May 05, 2012
Special: Guest Speaker, Dave Helfrich
Saturday May 05, 2012
Saturday May 05, 2012
Pastor Clay is on vacation this week. Our message this week on CrossWalk is from Cross Culture Church's Student Pastor, Dave Helfrich. Pastor Clay returns next week with Part 3 of the sermon series "Life, Love, Legacy - The Story Of Ruth"
Saturday Apr 28, 2012
Life, Love, Legacy - The Story of Ruth, Week 2: Love (Part 1)
Saturday Apr 28, 2012
Saturday Apr 28, 2012
We live in a culture obsessed with love and romance, but it's also a culture where broken relationships are common place. Is it possible that our culture doesn't really know what real love looks like? As we continue our series "Life, Love, Legacy: The Story of Ruth," we come to our second subject in the series, love. We'll be a couple of weeks looking at this subject from Ruth's story and today Pastor Clay is going to explain to us some key characteristics of love from Ruth's relationship with her mother-in-law, Naomi. As we'll hear those characteristics are vital for any love relationship.
Saturday Apr 21, 2012
Life, Love, Legacy - The Story of Ruth, Week 1: Life
Saturday Apr 21, 2012
Saturday Apr 21, 2012
The circumstances of life can be hard, we all know it, but that doesn't mean that our circumstances have to rule over us, does it? Today we kick off a brand new series on CrossWalk entitled, "LIfe, Love, Legacy: The Story of Ruth." The story of Ruth is first and foremost a love story, but there's more to learn from the small Old Testament book than you might first suspect. As we'll hear Pastor Clay say today, the kind of life God wants us to have is the kind of life that rises above our circumstances and lives in victory.
Saturday Apr 14, 2012
The Experience, Week 4: Experience the Transformation
Saturday Apr 14, 2012
Saturday Apr 14, 2012
Today we conclude our series entitled, "Experience." So far in this series, we've experienced the love, the cross, and last week, the empty tomb. Today we're turning our attention to 'Experience the Transformation.' and Pastor Clay is taking us to Mark chapter 5 where we find a transformation taking place that is even more remarkable than the ones we see in nature such as the caterpillar that enters a cocoon and comes out a butterfly. It's a beautiful picture of what happens when someone meets Jesus, and the power of God brings transformation to their life.
Saturday Apr 07, 2012
The Experience, Week 3: Experience the Empty Tomb
Saturday Apr 07, 2012
Saturday Apr 07, 2012
We're in week three of series entitled, 'The Experience,' and as you might guess on Easter Sunday we're experiencing the empty tomb. The three most important words for determining the value of a piece of property are, location, location, and location, although in the case of the empty tomb, we’re not referring to the location of the tomb itself, but rather, the location of the body that was inside of it. Last week, Pastor Clay explained why without the cross, our sins cannot be forgiven and as we'll hear today, without the empty tomb, none of what we believe matters. Critics have been trying to explain the resurrection away for years, but as you'll hear Pastor Clay explain today, our faith in the resurrection is actually the most rational explanation for the empty tomb.
Saturday Mar 31, 2012
The Experience, Week 2: Experience the Cross
Saturday Mar 31, 2012
Saturday Mar 31, 2012
Today we're in week two of our series entitled, "Experience" and we're looking to the most important event in the history of the world, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. As Pastor Clay is going to explain in today's message, there were a number of eyewitnesses gathered there on that hill outside of Jerusalem the day Jesus was crucified, including the religious leaders who had Jesus falsely arrested and condemned to death, the Roman soldiers who carried out the sentence and there were the thieves on either side of Jesus as He hung there that day suspended between heaven and earth, paying the sin debt for mankind. It's hard to imagine anyone offering forgiveness to those who had so mistreated them but I guess that's why they call God's grace "amazing." We're glad you've joined us for this special edition of Crosswalk as we turn to Luke chapter 23 and "Experience the Cross."
Saturday Mar 24, 2012
The Experience, Week 1: Experience the Love
Saturday Mar 24, 2012
Saturday Mar 24, 2012
Today we begin a new series entitled, 'Experience' and the first message in this new series is 'Experience the Love' from 1 John chapter 4, verses 7 through 21. This week, Pastor Clay is going to discuss what it's like to experience the pure love of God. The world seems to have a lot of different ideas about what love is but fortunately for us, we can look to God's word and see what real love looks like, and what it does to us.
Saturday Mar 17, 2012
2012: The Days After Tomorrow, Week 10: Matthew 25 (Part 3)
Saturday Mar 17, 2012
Saturday Mar 17, 2012
Today we come to the end of this series on the end times based on Jesus’ teaching known as The Olivette Discourse in Matthew chapters 24 and 25. We’ve looked at signs that will indicate the end is near. Today we take a look at the last section of Jesus’ teaching on this subject, and while there is still mention of the return of the King, the imagery changes to that of a judge, and ladies and gentlemen, if your image of Jesus tends to be that of the Suffering Servant who came to redeem mankind by dying for us on the cross, while that image certainly is not wrong, it is also not complete, because ladies and gentlemen, here comes the Judge.
Sunday Mar 11, 2012
2012: The Days After Tomorrow, Week 9: Matthew 25 (Part 2)
Sunday Mar 11, 2012
Sunday Mar 11, 2012
As we continue our series entitled, '2012: The Days After Tomorrow' from Matthew chapters 24 and 25 we come today to what is known as 'The Parable of the Talents' in chapter 25, verses 14 through 30. Responsible, Productive, Profitable, and Judgment are four very important words for us to consider. As we’ll hear Pastor Clay say, "There is a way which seems right to man, but its end is the way of death." Those words from the book of Proverbs remind us that our culture may want to believe that we can all live our lives any way we want with no consequences, but God's word tells us something very different.
Sunday Mar 04, 2012
2012: The Days After Tomorrow, Week 8: Matthew 25 (Part 1)
Sunday Mar 04, 2012
Sunday Mar 04, 2012
When you were a kid did you ever have your parents give you the same instructions several times? Why did they do that? They repeated themselves because what they were trying to teach you was important. As we continue in our study from Matthew chapters 24 and 25 and Jesus' teachings on the end times and His return, we're discovering that Jesus employs the same repetition method as our parents. What Jesus is trying to teach us is important, and as Pastor Clay is going to show us today, Jesus is trying to help us understand that the most important thing we can know about the end times, is to be ready for it.
Sunday Feb 26, 2012
2012: The Days After Tomorrow, Week 7: Matthew 24 (Part 7)
Sunday Feb 26, 2012
Sunday Feb 26, 2012
Pastor Clay has been taking us through Jesus' teaching regarding the end times found in Matthew chapters 24 and 25 in a series entitled, "2012: The Days After Tomorrow." Last week we saw that the Bible clearly states that no one knows the exact time of the return of Jesus, but as Pastor Clay pointed out, that's no excuse for not being ready. Today we're going to hear more about how we can be ready for the end times even though we don't know when it will be. These are certainly strange days that we live in and many of the signs Jesus gives about the last days look a lot like the days we are living in today. How can we be ready? What should we be doing? These are some of the questions Pastor Clay will address today.
Sunday Feb 19, 2012
2012: The Days After Tomorrow, Week 6: Matthew 24 (Part 6)
Sunday Feb 19, 2012
Sunday Feb 19, 2012
The return of Jesus Christ; for Christians, it's something to look forward to. From time to time, someone comes along who claims to know the exact date of Jesus' return. Obviously no ones gotten it right yet, but is it possible to know when Jesus is coming back? As Pastor Clay will show us today the short answer to that question is, no and the bigger question to ask is what are we doing to prepare for His coming? Jesus makes it clear in His teaching in Matthew chapter 24 that we can't know when it's going to happen but that's no excuse for not being ready now.
Sunday Feb 12, 2012
2012: The Days After Tomorrow, Week 5: Matthew 24 (Part 5)
Sunday Feb 12, 2012
Sunday Feb 12, 2012
We're in the middle of our series on the end times entitled, "2012: The Days After Tomorrow." In this series based on Jesus' teaching in Matthew chapters 24 and 25 Pastor Clay has already walked us through the destruction of Jerusalem and the signs that will point to the end times. Today we're moving into the section of Matthew 24 where Jesus begins to describe the signs of His return at the end of the age, and quite frankly some of those events will make earthquakes and other such events seem insignificant compared to what will happen. For rebellious men and women, the end will not be something to look forward to.
Sunday Feb 05, 2012
2012: The Days After Tomorrow, Week 4: Matthew 24 (Part 4)
Sunday Feb 05, 2012
Sunday Feb 05, 2012
We're continuing our series entitled "2012: The Days After Tomorrow," based on Jesus' teaching in Matthew chapters 24 and 25. There's a lot of uncertainty in the world today and as you're probably aware, there are all kinds of speculations about whether the end of the world is coming soon? As we've already discovered in this series, Jesus isn't holding anything back and some of what He has to say is hard to hear because He tells about the events that will transpire during The Great Tribulation Period and as your going to hear Pastor Clay say, it's not like any time the world has ever seen before.
Sunday Jan 29, 2012
Special: Lifegroup Sunday
Sunday Jan 29, 2012
Sunday Jan 29, 2012
This week, we're taking a little break our current series, "2012: The Days After Tomorrow," to focus on something that's a very important part of the life of Cross Culture Church, Life Groups. As you're going to hear Pastor Clay say today, Life Groups, which are small groups of men and women who meet together during the week, are the best tool we have for building our relationship with God and with each other and relationships are the purpose of life.
Tuesday Jan 24, 2012
2012: The Days After Tomorrow, Week 3: Matthew 24 (Part 3)
Tuesday Jan 24, 2012
Tuesday Jan 24, 2012
Does it seem like there has been an increase in both natural and manmade disasters? There have been wars and political uprisings being reported constantly on the evening news. So are these things signs of the end times? Today we continue our study of Matthew chapters 24 and 25 in a series entitled, "2012: The Days After Tomorrow." Pastor Clay is walking us through Jesus' teaching about the end times as He answers His disciple's questions about what to look for and when will these things take place? As you'll hear Pastor Clay say today, what we're learning about the there and then, should help us in our here and now.
Sunday Jan 15, 2012
2012: The Days After Tomorrow, Week 2: Matthew 24 (Part 2)
Sunday Jan 15, 2012
Sunday Jan 15, 2012
We just started a brand new series last week entitled, "2012: The Days After Tomorrow," a series based on Jesus' teaching in Matthew chapters 24 and 25 known as the Olivet Discourse. Today we're looking at some of the signs that Jesus said would characterize the last days, and one of those is false Christ's. As you'll hear Pastor Clay say today, there are 20 major religions recognized in the world today and the result is that billions of people are being spiritually deceived. So, what's our responsibility as Christians? Is there anything we can or should do? Pastor Clay's going to address those very questions and others today.
Sunday Jan 08, 2012
2012: The Days After Tomorrow, Week 1: Matthew 24 (Part 1)
Sunday Jan 08, 2012
Sunday Jan 08, 2012
Most of us have seen or read the stories over the last couple of years about the Mayan calendar's supposed prediction that the world will end in 2012. Hollywood has made blockbuster movies about the end of the world. The current political and economic instability throughout the world have certainly raise people's fears and anxiety, but could we really be in the last days? We're excited about you joining us today as we kick off a brand new series that's going to look at that very question. In Matthew chapters 24 and 25 Jesus sits down and answers His disciple's questions about the end times, and as Pastor Clay's going to explain, what Jesus told them must have come as quite a shock.
Sunday Jan 01, 2012
Birth Announcements, Week 5: The Announcement of Joy
Sunday Jan 01, 2012
Sunday Jan 01, 2012
Well, Christmas has come and gone and 2012 is here, but before we leave the Christmas season we wanted to spend one more week in our Christmas series entitled, 'Birth Announcements.' Today Pastor Clay is taking us to Luke chapter 2 and the announcement of joy. Joy is something that this world can sure use more of, and as we'll hear today the coming of the Christ child brought joy in an unusual way, but it changed the world forever.
Sunday Dec 18, 2011
Birth Announcements, Week 4: The Announcement of Grace (Part 2)
Sunday Dec 18, 2011
Sunday Dec 18, 2011
Today, Pastor Clay is picking up where he left off last week in Luke chapter 1. Two thousand years ago, the angel Gabriel brought an announcement to a young woman named Mary. Gabriel's announcement of grace certainly changed Mary's life but it really changed all of our lives. Last week, we learned how this announcement revealed that God had a design all along and that His design was not just for Mary's life, but for our lives as well. This week, let's see what else we find in this "announcement of grace."