Sunday Dec 09, 2012
Close Encounters, Week 2: Luke 1 (Part 2)
Sunday Dec 09, 2012
Sunday Dec 09, 2012
What kind of life do you have? Most people would probably answer that question with one word, "ordinary." Most of us think of ourselves as ordinary people who live ordinary lives, but the truth is, as far as God is concerned, there's no such thing as, "ordinary." We're in the middle of a Christmas series entitled, “Close Encounters of the Most Important Kind,” walking through a biblical accounts of close encounters with angels at the time of the birth of Christ. Today looking at Mary's close encounter with the angel Gabriel as he brought to Mary the news that she would give birth to the Savior of the world.
Sunday Dec 02, 2012
Close Encounters, Week 1: Luke 1 (Part 1)
Sunday Dec 02, 2012
Sunday Dec 02, 2012
This year marks the 35th anniversary of the release of Steven Spielberg's classic film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," a movie about humans making direct contact with a non-human life form. So today as we kick off the Christmas season, we're starting a new series entitled "Close Encounters of the Most Important Kind." Over the next four weeks Pastor Clay is going to take us through some "close encounters" with angels that took place at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ. As we look at these encounters we might just find some important truths for our own lives. Today we're in Luke chapter 1 to take a closer look at a close encounter between a priest named Zacharias and the angel Gabriel.
Sunday Nov 25, 2012
Cross Culture Re-Connect, Week 7: Conclusion
Sunday Nov 25, 2012
Sunday Nov 25, 2012
DNA, most of us can remember from our high school biology class that DNA is sort of a blueprint for the human body that determines much of the characteristics of a person. The body of Christ here on earth is the church. So, shouldn't the church have DNA that causes it to have the characteristics of Christ? Today we're wrapping up our series entitled, Cross Culture Re-Connect. Each of the subjects that we've covered over the last six weeks are "connected" and together, form the foundation of everything we do as a church.
Sunday Nov 18, 2012
Cross Culture Re-Connect, Week 6
Sunday Nov 18, 2012
Sunday Nov 18, 2012
DNA, in the human body it carries the genetic code responsible for who we are as individuals. In the Bible the church is referred to as a body, so does a church have DNA? We're nearing the end the "Cross Culture Re-Connect" series, exploring what makes Cross Culture Church who we are. We've looked at things like our name, our strategy, our passion, our vision and our purpose. Today, and next week, we look at Cross Culture's DNA, our Defining Non-negotiable Absolutes. The seven statement that Pastor Clay is going to share with us over the next two weeks form the foundation for all of the other things we've talked about. In fact, our DNA is the foundation for everything we do here at Cross Culture Church.
Sunday Nov 11, 2012
Cross Culture Re-Connect, Week 5
Sunday Nov 11, 2012
Sunday Nov 11, 2012
In the culture in which we live today there is an increasing number of people who have little to no church background. Most people know that a church has something to do with religion. They might even connect the church to Jesus, but they may have no idea what the purpose of the church actually is. Today Pastor Clay is picking up where he left off last week, discussing the purpose of Cross Culture Church and looking at who we are as a local body of believers.
Sunday Nov 04, 2012
Cross Culture Re-Connect, Week 4
Sunday Nov 04, 2012
Sunday Nov 04, 2012
What is the purpose of a church? As we continue our series called, Cross Culture ReConnect, today we're looking at the purpose of Cross Culture Church. A church's purpose is glorify God, to teach people about God and to lead people to Christ. There are general ideas about the purpose of the church but how each church carries those out may vary. Today, Pastor Clay is going to walk us through what is needed to realize Cross Culture's purpose.
Sunday Oct 28, 2012
Cross Culture Re-Connect, Week 3
Sunday Oct 28, 2012
Sunday Oct 28, 2012
We're continuing our series entitled, 'Cross Culture Re-Connect,' and today Pastor Clay is going walk us through the vision for Cross Culture Church. As you'll hear today, Cross Culture Church's vision for the future may sound bold, but we believe nothing is too difficult for our God. We also believe God wants to see people come into a relationship with Him, and Cross Culture Church wants to be used by God to change the eternal destinies of as many as possible.
Sunday Oct 21, 2012
Cross Culture Re-Connect, Week 2
Sunday Oct 21, 2012
Sunday Oct 21, 2012
Passion and worship, it's easy to see a correlation between those two subjects and the common ground where they meet is the cross. We're continuing our series entitled, "Cross Culture ReConnect," talking a few weeks to talk about who we are as a church. Today Pastor Clay is going to talk about our passion as a church and why it's important that we understand that we have something to be very passionate about. He's also going to introduce the second half of our strategy, our large group gatherings, also known as worship. Our worship pastor, Jon Spallino, is going to share his heart about the importance of worship in our lives as fully-devoted followers of Jesus.
Sunday Oct 14, 2012
Cross Culture Re-Connect, Week 1
Sunday Oct 14, 2012
Sunday Oct 14, 2012
Today we're beginning a new series entitled, 'Cross Culture Re-Connect,' that focuses on exactly who we are as a church here at Cross Culture Church. As people come to Cross Culture, we want to make sure they understand just exactly who we are as a church, and what we see as God's mission for us. That's why over the next several weeks, we're going to be hearing Pastor Clay talk some about our passion, purpose, and plans as we see God leading us. We're also going to highlight some of our ministries here at Cross Culture and hear from some of the folks that have leadership roles in those ministries. Today, we're going to reconnect with the origins and reasons for our name as a church. Some church names are based on a community where they are located. Some are based on biblical names. Some names are selected because they're catchy. But for Cross Culture Church our name means so much more!
Saturday Oct 06, 2012
Heartbeat, Week 16: Philippians 4 (Part 3)
Saturday Oct 06, 2012
Saturday Oct 06, 2012
We've come to the last message in our four month series in the book of Philippians entitled, "Heartbeat" and today, Pastor Clay is going to walk us through the last part of chapter 4 where the Apostle Paul makes what seems to many to be an absolutely astounding statement. Paul claims to have found the secret to being contentment. We all have experienced contentment in some area of our life before, but as we'll see today, God promises us a contentment that is far better than what most people have experienced in their lives.
Saturday Sep 29, 2012
Heartbeat, Week 15: Philippians 4 (Part 2)
Saturday Sep 29, 2012
Saturday Sep 29, 2012
Most of us have about a million things to think about on any given day. With so much to think about it can be hard to have peace of mind. But having peace of mind may not have as much to do with how much we think about, but what we think about. We're continuing our series entitled "Heartbeat" and today, we're picking up on a subject that Pastor Clay started last week, peace. One of the major areas where we struggle is in having "peace of mind" but as Pastor Clay's going to explain, peace of mind is possible. We just have to make sure we're thinking about the right things.
Saturday Sep 22, 2012
Heartbeat, Week 14: Philippians 4 (Part 1)
Saturday Sep 22, 2012
Saturday Sep 22, 2012
Everybody wants peace in their lives. Everybody needs peace in their lives, and people will look for peace in almost anything. Followers of Jesus know that He has promised us that we can have peace. So, why do so many professing Christians still struggle with anxiety, worry, and fear? Today we move into chapter 4 of our study of the book of Philippians in our series entitled "Heartbeat." We've seen lots of great applications for our lives throughout this study and today as Pastor Clay is going to explain, Paul addresses four areas where peace is critical for our lives. As you'll hear today, peace is something that God wants us to have and this week, we're going to hear exactly what we need to do to have peace in our lives.
Saturday Sep 15, 2012
Heartbeat, Week 13: Philippians 3 (Part 4)
Saturday Sep 15, 2012
Saturday Sep 15, 2012
How hard is it to spot a a believer in Jesus Christ? That may seem like a strange question, but have you ever known someone that claimed they were a Christian, but their lifestyle showed something else? In our series entitled “Heartbeat,” we continue to see the Apostle Paul leaving no doubt that Jesus Christ was his heartbeat. Today Pastor Clay is leading us through the last part of chapter three, where we find two very distinct lifestyles described. One thing is clear in looking at this passage today, it shouldn't be hard to spot a believer.
Saturday Sep 08, 2012
Heartbeat, Week 12: Philippians 3 (Part 3)
Saturday Sep 08, 2012
Saturday Sep 08, 2012
Time, it's probably the most valuable asset we have. What makes it so valuable is the fact that every single one of us know that it's limited. Time is basically broken into three parts, past, present, and future, and as we continue our series entitled, 'Heartbeat' from the book of Philippians, Pastor Clay's going to show us today where the Apostle Paul spent the majority of his time. Paul was a man that had been through a lot and had given a lot for the building of God's kingdom, but as we'll hear today Paul didn't get hung up on the past, and his present, well it was simply an opportunity to move toward his future. Each of us only has so much time on this earth. So it might be good to ask, where do you spend your time?
Saturday Sep 01, 2012
Heartbeat, Week 11: Philippians 3 (Part 2)
Saturday Sep 01, 2012
Saturday Sep 01, 2012
In our culture today, there are many people who know things about Jesus; they may know when He lived, how He died and they may even know Who He claimed to be and what He came to do. But is it possible for people to know all kinds of things about Jesus, but not actually know Jesus? Today Pastor Clay is taking us to Philippians 3:10-11 to see how the Apostle Paul describes what it means to "Know Christ" and nowhere is the Apostle Paul's heartbeat for Christ more clearly seen than in today's passage.
Saturday Aug 25, 2012
Heartbeat, Week 10: Philippians 3 (Part 1)
Saturday Aug 25, 2012
Saturday Aug 25, 2012
As we move into the second half of our study of the book of Philippians in our series entitled, 'Heartbeat,' the Apostle Paul has a warning for us concerning the false doctrine of works salvation. As you'll hear Pastor Clay say in today's message, a group of people known as Judaizers were going around teaching people that believing in Jesus was good, it just wasn't good enough. There was something more that had to be done if you wanted to be saved. As you'll hear today, Paul's response was swift and sure, and he leaves no doubt that salvation has nothing to do with what we do for God, and everything to do with what God did for us.
Saturday Aug 11, 2012
Heartbeat, Week 9: Philippians 2 (Part 5)
Saturday Aug 11, 2012
Saturday Aug 11, 2012
We're continuing our series entitled, "Heartbeat," from the New Testament book of Philippians. We pray that this study has been profitable in helping you discover how to make Christ your heartbeat. In today's message, Pastor Clay is taking us back Philippians 2:12-30. As we've looked at aspects of our life that should be evident when Christ is our heartbeat, we've seen the Apostle Paul show how action is an essential part of our walk with Christ, how our attitude has to be one that honors Christ and that God wants to use our lives to attract others to Him. The final aspect we'll be looking at today is affection. As Pastor Clay will explain, the relationship we have with the men and women who are part of our church is a very unique one. It's one that shouldn't be taken for granted and shouldn't be wasted.
Saturday Aug 04, 2012
Heartbeat, Week 8: Philippians 2 (Part 4)
Saturday Aug 04, 2012
Saturday Aug 04, 2012
Heartbeat...that's the name of the current series that Pastor Clay is taking us through as we study the Apostle Paul's letter to the Philippian church. It's clear from what Paul has to say that Jesus Christ was Paul's heartbeat and as Pastor Clay has explained the last couple of weeks, when Christ is our heartbeat it affects our actions and our attitudes. This week, we continue in chapter 2, verses 12 through 30. Listen in as Pastor Clay explains that those actions and attitudes become an attraction, drawing people to Christ.
Sunday Jul 29, 2012
Heartbeat, Week 7: Philippians 2 (Part 3)
Sunday Jul 29, 2012
Sunday Jul 29, 2012
Do you remember what your life was like before Jesus Christ? Can you imagine where you would be if God had not worked in your life? As we continue our series entitled, 'Heartbeat" we're working our way through the book of Philippians. Today we're going to look at another aspect of our faith, and that is, attitude. As you'll hear Pastor Clay say in today's message, an attitude of gratitude is vital if we're going to "Do all things without grumbling and disputing." That may sound impossible, and in our strength it is, but with God's power working through us anything's possible.
Saturday Jul 21, 2012
Special: Guest Speaker, Bill Hopkins
Saturday Jul 21, 2012
Saturday Jul 21, 2012
Pastor Clay is on vacation this week. Join us next week for Part 7 of the "Heartbeat" series.
Saturday Jul 14, 2012
Heartbeat, Week 6: Philippians 2 (Part 2)
Saturday Jul 14, 2012
Saturday Jul 14, 2012
Question, what's the difference between Christianity and virtually every other religion in the world? Answer, other religions are works based, meaning your salvation is obtained through what you do, while Christianity claims that salvation is a free gift of God given to those who commit their lives to Him. So for the follower of Jesus, does that mean that our salvation has nothing to do with work? The answer may surprise you. While salvation is a free gift from God, the Apostle Paul informs the church in Philippi that it's imperative that they "work out their salvation." Just exactly what that means, and what it doesn't mean is part of what Pastor Clay has to share with us today.
Saturday Jul 07, 2012
Heartbeat, Week 5: Philippians 2 (Part 1)
Saturday Jul 07, 2012
Saturday Jul 07, 2012
As we continue our 'Heartbeat' series through the book of Philippians, we come to a part of the book where the Apostle Paul stresses the importance of having unity in the community, the body of Christ. Most of us have heard about or experienced church disunity and the results usually aren't good. Worst of all, God is not glorified when His followers are not unified. As you'll hear Pastor Clay say in today's message, having unity is important for all of our relationships. Fortunately for us, the Apostle Paul gives us a model to look at to show us what is necessary for us to have unity.
Saturday Jun 30, 2012
Heartbeat, Week 4: Philippians 1 (Part 4)
Saturday Jun 30, 2012
Saturday Jun 30, 2012
We're in week 4 of a series entitled, "Heartbeat," based upon the New Testament book of Philippians. Today we come to the end of chapter 1 as the Apostle Paul begins to give instructions to the church at Philippi and to us as well. What he has to say about suffering may seem hard for us to accept, but as we're learning how to make Christ our heartbeat, we're discovering the key to not only enduring suffering, but actually considering it a privilege.
Saturday Jun 23, 2012
Heartbeat, Week 3: Philippians 1 (Part 3)
Saturday Jun 23, 2012
Saturday Jun 23, 2012
Circumstances...do they every get you down? Most of us would have to say "yes," however, God has called us to rise above our circumstances. How do we do that when, from our perspective, everything looks bad? The Apostle Paul didn't allow his perspective to change his priority and because he didn't, he was able to walk through his circumstances with the joy that God brings to a person who is trusting in Him. Maybe you're at a place in your life where your circumstances seem overwhelming to you. If so, today's message will be especially important for you.
Saturday Jun 16, 2012
Heartbeat, Week 2: Philippians 1 (Part 2)
Saturday Jun 16, 2012
Saturday Jun 16, 2012
The Apostle Paul's heartbeat, what mattered to him the most of anything, was Jesus Christ and no where is that more evident that in the book of Philippians. Most of us understand that if we claim to be followers of Jesus Christ, He should be the heartbeat of our lives as well but in the busy world in which we live is that just a pipe dream? Is it really possible for the driving force of our life to be Christ? Discovering that exciting truth is what this series and today's message is all about.