Saturday Jun 29, 2013
Special: Mission Trips, Why We Go
Saturday Jun 29, 2013
Saturday Jun 29, 2013
This week we're taking a break from our series, "Daniel: Unshakable Faith, Unbreakable Promise." Pastor Clay and a team from Cross Culture Church just returned from mission work in Haiti. Pastor Clay is taking this opportunity to remind us exactly "why we go." At Cross Culture Church, one of our favorite sayings is, "Life is a mission trip," and today Pastor Clay is going to lay out why we go and where we go. To watch the video heard on this podcast, go to http://youtu.be/cHAsFlYOG6A
Saturday Jun 15, 2013
Daniel, Week 18: Unshakable Faith, Unbreakable Promise
Saturday Jun 15, 2013
Saturday Jun 15, 2013
Today is Father's Day. Among the things that all humans share, one of the more obvious is that we all had parents, which includes a father. Not everyone had a good father but as we'll hear today, we all have a heavenly Father that is always there for us and has our best interest in mind. Our series "Daniel: Unshakable Faith, Unbreakable Promise" continues with Pastor Clay introducing us to the Ancient of Days and what that means for our lives.
Saturday Jun 08, 2013
Daniel, Week 17: Unshakable Faith, Unbreakable Promise
Saturday Jun 08, 2013
Saturday Jun 08, 2013
Today we move into the second half of the book of Daniel. Beginning in chapter 7 and throughout the rest of the book, we're going to be looking at predominantly prophetic passages, and as Pastor Clay's going to explain, that requires a little more work on our part. Prophecy can seem complicated, but it's also exciting as we see the accuracy of God's word in predicting future events, and as we contemplate how God is going to bring this whole thing to a conclusion.
Saturday Jun 01, 2013
Special: The Lords Supper, Matthew 26
Saturday Jun 01, 2013
Saturday Jun 01, 2013
We're taking a break from our series from the book of Daniel to reflect on the meaning and message of the Lord's Supper. How did it start? Why do we do it? Does it mean anything? If you've ever wondered about any of those questions, you're going to be glad you've joined us today. Pastor Clay addresses them in his message.
Saturday May 25, 2013
Daniel, Week 16: Unshakable Faith, Unbreakable Promise
Saturday May 25, 2013
Saturday May 25, 2013
Over the last several weeks Pastor Clay has been taking us through Daniel chapter 6 and showing us from Daniel's experiences certain things that we can trust in. This week Pastor Clay is going to show us the most important thing of all that we can trust in. More specifically, the most important One of all that we can trust in. It made a difference in Daniel's life and circumstances and it can make a difference in ours.
Saturday May 18, 2013
Special: Our Dependency on God and His Word
Saturday May 18, 2013
Saturday May 18, 2013
Pastor Clay is on vacation this week. Our Worship Pastor, Jon Spallino, speaks today about our dependency on God and His Word from Jeremiah 1. Jeremiah was a man who was given a task by God to proclaim God's word to the Israelites. A 20-year-old called to proclaim God's word to a wicked nation was no doubt a heavy responsibility. What we will see is Jeremiah weeping over the sin of Israel, but at the same time, rooted and dependent in God and His Word.
Saturday May 11, 2013
Daniel, Week 15: Unshakable Faith, Unbreakable Promise
Saturday May 11, 2013
Saturday May 11, 2013
Last week, Pastor Clay started into the story of Daniel and the lion's den and as we heard, we can trust that trouble is going to come into our lives. Today Pastor Clay is going to remind us of a couple of more things that we can trust will happen, just like they did in Daniel's life, if we choose to walk with God. Today is Mother's Day Sunday and Pastor Clay has some special applications of this message for mom's. Thanks for joining us.
Saturday May 04, 2013
Daniel, Week 14: Unshakable Faith, Unbreakable Promise
Saturday May 04, 2013
Saturday May 04, 2013
Daniel and the lion's den is one of the most beloved and well-known stories in all of the Bible but just because we may be familiar with the story doesn't mean we can't learn a thing or two from it. Today, Pastor Clay's going to show us that in this life there are several things that we can count on. If you've got your Bible handy, open to Daniel chapter 6, as we talk about trust.
Saturday Apr 27, 2013
Daniel, Week 13: Unshakable Faith, Unbreakable Promise
Saturday Apr 27, 2013
Saturday Apr 27, 2013
Today Pastor Clay is taking us to Daniel chapter 6, which contains one of the most well-known stories in all the Bible, the story of Daniel in the lions den. We're going to get into that story next week, but before we do we're going to take a look at how Daniel distinguished himself in his day, and how we can distinguish ourselves as followers of Jesus today.
Saturday Apr 20, 2013
Daniel, Week 12: Unshakable Faith, Unbreakable Promise
Saturday Apr 20, 2013
Saturday Apr 20, 2013
This week, Pastor Clay is taking us back to Daniel chapter 5 and the story of "The Handwriting on the Wall." Last week, Pastor Clay began to show us some of the mistakes that King Belshazzar made and how those mistakes are common to mankind. Today we're going to learn a couple of truths about God that may help us avoid some of the mistakes that Belshazzar made.
Saturday Apr 13, 2013
Daniel, Week 11: Unshakable Faith, Unbreakable Promise
Saturday Apr 13, 2013
Saturday Apr 13, 2013
We're in our series entitled, "Daniel: Unshakable Faith, Unbreakable Promise," and today Pastor Clay's taking us to Daniel chapter 5 where we'll be for the next couple of weeks. In Daniel 5, we find a king by the name of Belshazzar who made several mistakes. Those mistakes cost him dearly and as we'll hear Pastor Clay say in this message, Belshazzar's mistakes are the same mistakes that many people make today.
Saturday Apr 06, 2013
Daniel, Week 10: Unshakable Faith, Unbreakable Promise
Saturday Apr 06, 2013
Saturday Apr 06, 2013
As we continue our current series, "Daniel - Unshakable Faith, Unbreakable Promise," we're picking it back up today in Daniel chapter 4. It's the story of King Nebuchadnezzar's problem of pride and what God did to humble him. In Pastor Clay's last message, he shared with us that pride isn't a problem only for kings. You and I can struggle with pride as well because as Pastor Clay pointed out, pride is really self-centeredness. It puts us ahead of God in our lives, and that's a problem. Today we're going to hear about what God did about Nebuchadnezzar pride and what resulted from the work God did.
Saturday Mar 30, 2013
Special: Easter Message
Saturday Mar 30, 2013
Saturday Mar 30, 2013
It's Easter and today we're stepping away from our current series in Daniel to spend some time reflecting on the true meaning of the Easter season. For many people Easter is about spring break, bunnies, and baskets of candies, but for followers of Jesus it's about something far more important. As we'll hear Pastor Clay say, Easter commemorates, celebrates, and validates our faith. The empty tomb is as important to us as the cross. For years there have been those who have tried to explain away the empty tomb but as we'll hear today, that's easier said than done.
Saturday Mar 23, 2013
Daniel, Week 9: Unshakable Faith, Unbreakable Promise
Saturday Mar 23, 2013
Saturday Mar 23, 2013
Most of us are aware that everyone is a sinner and come short of God's standard, but have you ever stopped to think about what is the cause or the root of all sin? Today, Pastor Clay teaches from Daniel chapter 4 and the record of how God humbled a king who thought too much about himself and not enough about the true God. As we'll hear in today's message, we all have a problem and God offers us the solution.
Sunday Mar 17, 2013
Daniel, Week 8: Unshakable Faith, Unbreakable Promise
Sunday Mar 17, 2013
Sunday Mar 17, 2013
Trials and tribulations, we've all had our share, right? And one of the scary things about life is that we know that more trials and tribulations are bound to come. Most of us probably recognize that we need God's presence during those times in our life. So, is there a way to insure that God will always be with us through those times? In Pastor Clay's last message, he talked about standing up to the pressure of the furnace and standing firm in the face of the furnace. Today, Pastor Clay is going to show us what it takes to insure that we never stand alone in the furnace, and how God can use our stand in other people's lives.
Sunday Mar 10, 2013
Special: Why Student Ministry
Sunday Mar 10, 2013
Sunday Mar 10, 2013
This is a special week at Cross Culture Church. We're introducing our new student pastor, Ivey Rhodes. Ivey delivers this week's message and talks about the importance of student ministry and the student body as a part of the body of believers.
Sunday Mar 03, 2013
Sunday Mar 03, 2013
Life has a way of throwing us a few curves, doesn't it? Everything can be going great and before you even know what's happened, you walk straight into some circumstance or trial that has you wondering what in the world is going on. You could say it's a fiery furnace experience. Today we're back in chapter three of the book of Daniel in our series "Unshakable Faith, Unbreakable Promise." As we've already seen, Daniel was a man of great faith but in chapter 3, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego are front and center and it's their turn to show some faith qualities. As Pastor Clay's going to explain today, those three young men didn't have Daniel with them in this fiery furnace experience and although Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego were going to have stand on their own faith, they didn't have to stand alone.
Sunday Feb 24, 2013
Sunday Feb 24, 2013
We've come to chapter 3 in our series from Daniel, and that's where we're going to be the next couple of weeks. Today we're observing the Lord's Supper here at Cross Culture Church and this message will focus on the sacrifice that God made for us through His death on the cross. Pastor Clay is going to make some comparisons between the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, and the story of Christ's sacrifice for us. Next week, we'll take a closer look at the fiery furnace events in our lives and what we can learn from them, but today's focus is the cross of Jesus Christ and what that means for all of us.
Sunday Feb 10, 2013
Daniel, Week 5: Unshakable Faith, Unbreakable Promise
Sunday Feb 10, 2013
Sunday Feb 10, 2013
Today we're continuing to work our way through Daniel chapter 2 and the story of Nebuchadnezzar's dream. As we saw last week, God gave Daniel a miracle by revealing to Daniel what the king had dreamed and what the dream meant. We also looked at the first four parts of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream and what they represented. Today, Pastor Clay is going to take us through the other parts of the dream, what they stand for and what they mean for us and our future. Prophecy is an exciting part of scripture to look at, and we're glad you've joined us as we continue our series, "Daniel: Unshakable Faith, Unbreakable Promise."
Sunday Feb 03, 2013
Daniel, Week 4: Unshakable Faith, Unbreakable Promise
Sunday Feb 03, 2013
Sunday Feb 03, 2013
Dreams, experts say that we all have them, but most of us take little notice of them. In fact, studies have shown that we forget 90 percent of our dreams within the first minute of waking up. But what if you kept having the same dream night after night? Wouldn't you want to know what the dream meant? Today we're in Daniel chapter 2 and the story of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream. Daniel goes to the king and asks to allow him to interpret the dream, and with a quiet confidence Daniel and his friends go before the Lord to seek the answer to the king's demands. God answers their prayers and Daniel is ready to reveal to the king his dream and the interpretation. As Daniel begins to share with the king what God has shared with him, we see that what he shares has implications for all of us.
Sunday Jan 27, 2013
Daniel, Week 3: Unshakable Faith, Unbreakable Promise
Sunday Jan 27, 2013
Sunday Jan 27, 2013
This is part 3 of the "Daniel" series and we're in chapter 2 verses 1-30. We had technical problems recording the 1/27 message and we appreciate Pastor Clay taking the time to make this special recording of the message. I guess you could say that life, in a very small kind of way, threw us one of those “it” moments that Pastor Clay is going to talk about. Life does throw us "it" moments; those times when "it seems impossible." As we continue in our series, we come to chapter 2 where Daniel and his friends find themselves in one of those truly impossible situations and as we'll hear Pastor Clay say, how Daniel and his friends responded and what they did was very important. When those times come in our lives, we need to make sure we understand what to do and where to turn.
Sunday Jan 13, 2013
Daniel, Week 2: Unshakable Faith, Unbreakable Promise
Sunday Jan 13, 2013
Sunday Jan 13, 2013
Have you ever been in a really tough spot? Have you ever been in a situation where the circumstances were very difficult and you had to make a choice, and you knew that the choice you made would probably change your life forever? As Pastor Clay showed us last week, a young man named Daniel and his three companions were in a tough spot. They were carried off into captivity in Babylon, were chosen to receive training and to eat the king's food. This week, we continue on in the story to help us see the importance of living in our faith and what we can expect as a result of doing just that.
Sunday Jan 06, 2013
Daniel, Week 1: Unshakable Faith, Unbreakable Promise
Sunday Jan 06, 2013
Sunday Jan 06, 2013
Today we kick off a brand new series entitled, "Daniel: Unshakable Faith, Unbreakable Promise." The book of Daniel is a remarkable book and as Pastor Clay is going to show us as we make our way through it, there's a lot to learn from this book that is both a study in personal faith and prophetic future. Daniel and his friends faced some pretty big obstacles in life but through it all, their faith was unshakable because it was built upon the unbreakable promises of God.
Sunday Dec 23, 2012
Close Encounters, Week 4: Matthew 1
Sunday Dec 23, 2012
Sunday Dec 23, 2012
Today, Pastor Clay is going to bring the final message in a series entitled, "Close Encounters of the Most Important Kind." Throughout the Christmas season we've been looking at encounters that people had with angels having to do with the birth of Jesus Christ. Each encounter in this series has been special and Pastor Clay showed us, those encounters impact our lives even today. Today's encounter is no different as we're opening the Bible to Luke chapter 2, where some common ordinary people of society help us to see and understand that the "good news of a great joy" really is "for all the people."
Sunday Dec 16, 2012
Close Encounters, Week 3: Matthew 1
Sunday Dec 16, 2012
Sunday Dec 16, 2012
The will of God, it's sometimes a very mysterious thing. Sometimes the will of God seems so contrary to what we can see that following His will requires a tremendous amount of faith and sometimes a little "divine intervention." Joseph was ready to have Mary as his wife and start a life and family together, but all of that sure didn't happen the way he thought it would. As you'll hear Pastor Clay say in today's message, it required a close encounter between Joseph and an angel in order for Joseph to follow the will of God.